Saturday 11 June 2011


OCR Level 2 National certificate in media
Unit9: Exploring photography and digital imaging

My images illustrated my brief very well, as I followed all the tasks given and completed all the images to be created. I used Photoshop to create my images and I used QuarkXPress to put my book images into it. I created 18 images using Photoshop by using a mix of taken images and internet used images to make images which represent television, cinema, print, radio, new media and advertising.               I then created 6 images of people with their heroes using taken images with a digital camera and internet images I have found of peoples heroes. I also created 4 images to illustrate a story by taking images with a digital camera talking single images to represent the story and then I put the images on to Photoshop and made then black and white.
                                           I thought that my strongest images I created were my print images. I made an image of a tree covered in news papers to make it look as if the tree is full of newspapers and next to the tree I added an image of somebody standing by it reading a newspaper. I think this is one of my strongest images because I worked on it for a long time and put a lot of effort into making it perfect.  Another print image which I thought was one of my best was the image which I made of a wall full of newspapers and someone is in front of it reading the newspapers , I thought this was a good image to make because it seems interesting the audience and something someone would like to look at . I used Photoshop to create my image, I think my cutting out of the images was good and I cut it out to the best of my ability.
                                           I edited my images using Adobe Photoshop to cut around my images I used the polygonal lasso tool to cut neatly around an image for example in my large popcorn image I cut around two images of people using the polygonal lasso tool so I could cut out the image neatly and nicely so the image can then be added to my full created image. I also changed the brightness and contrast of an image by going on ‘image’ then chose adjustment and clicked on ‘brightness/contrast’ then I changed the brightness and contrast of a image to make it suit . I also used the ‘T’ tool to add any text to my image that was needed, as I did use on my radio image when I made adding names of different radio DJ’s.
                                           I think the technical quality of my completed images is quite good, I used adobe Photoshop to create each image and I used as much as its tools as I possibly could. The print quality of my images was good they printed very similar as they are on the computer however when printed some of the images looked squashed an blurred slightly compared to on the screen. The lighting of my completed images was natural and matched the image that I made for example if it was set outside it would be bright with the sun or be neutral with very little light shown.
For my people and their heroes images I followed the brief as followed, I collected the images I needed and took the photographs then I edited them both together using adobe Photoshop.
                                           To take the images I needed to edit I arranged to take the images of the people and I got a simple digital camera and took six images of people from a front view looking at the camera, so I could then edit them in with their heroes.
I created my final images by using Photoshop I firstly took the photos and gathered internet images of their heroes and I found suitable backgrounds to add to the images or I made a background on Photoshop. I cut out the images using the polygonal lasso tool and I added both of the images together and I adjusted the lighting brightness and contrast, I did this so that both images brightness would match and would look realistic. Then I added a background and I used the ‘T’ tool to add text to the image of who was in the image.
                                           I feel that I edited the final images very well I feel that was more concentrated and could finish them quicker and easier as there was less things to edit together to create an image. I feel that my editing of these images was better than the last as I had practice at using Photoshop and its different tools; I now knew more how to use it to edit my images quicker and a lot simpler to create my images.
                                           I got feedback about my 6 images of people with their heroes; I found the feedback very helpful. I was told which images the audience liked the most , however I was also told which images needed improving . I did however find out through the feedback that my editing skills technically were neat and I did good cutting out of the people in the images.
                                           I feel that my technical quality was good as I knew more of how to use adobe Photoshop and its tools so the technicality was better. The print quality of my images are very good and are the same as they are viewed on the computer, the image resolution is good and clear. The lighting I used in my images is  appropriate for the images I created  I changed the contrast and brightness of my images to make them match the image I created and  I made sure it was appropriate for the image I created  .
                                           I feel that my final images illustrate the brief I was given very well, as I followed all the tasks I was given correctly and I used the correct software’s of Adobe Photoshop and QuarkXPress.
                                           The aspects of the story I chose to illustrate were the beginning of the story where the gates are describes, also I chose to illustrate the part of the story where they had wrote a letter t o get permission for Mr. love day to leave the asylum I also chose to illustrate he daughters car as she drove to the asylum. Finally I chose to illustrate a chair in an empty room as that was important at the beginning of the story. I chose to illustrate these images as they seemed to be very important parts of the story and each picture shows what is happening in each part of the story without having to read the story.
                                           From the feedback I got back from my 18 images I created, I found ways which I could have improved on my images and I found which images people liked the most and which ones needed improving the most .From the audience feedback I found that on some of my images I needed the cutting to be neater the feedback which I received was helpful.
                                           I created my final images by firstly taking the photographs myself and then I uploaded them and edited them in the ways I needed by cutting out the time and date. I took the photo and I also changed the color of the image from color to black and white to make it look more authentic .Then I uploaded the images into QuarkXPress to be added with the story so when it is printed the images and story would be together.
                                           The technical quality of my completed images were good and I used adobe Photoshop to edit my images and I used different technical tools to make my images better .I used the polygonal lasso tool to cut around an image neatly I also changed the contrast and brightness of an image by going to image , adjustments and choosing the brightness and contrast and I changed it to how I wanted it .The print quality is good and you can see the images properly and they’re not squashed or fuzzy .The image clarity and lighting is clear and has appropriate lighting as it is black and white it has equal light and dark parts to my images.
                                           I feel that my strengths in this unit has been the editing however my weaknesses have been my time keeping and completing my work on time and keeping up with everything and not falling behind . My strengths also include creativity in my images, taking images and technicality. I liked to create an image and make it attractive to the audience, I also took several images using a digital camera and I used different types of shots for the different type of image I was planning on creating. Another strength which I had was technicality using a camera and using Adobe Photoshop , I could use a varsity of different tools on Photoshop I  can cut around a image neatly , change the contrast and brightness of a image , change the color of a image , add backgrounds also I can add text with different font sizes , style  and colors.
                                           Through this unit I have learnt how to use a camera properly and I have learnt how to use Photoshop correctly with all the different tools I have not used before. I have learnt how to cut out images and how to change the brightness and contrast of an image simply as before I had not known this .I have also learnt how the creativity of an image shows the meaning of the image.

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